Chelsea Macor Photography

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Elise's Motherhood Session at Home in Greenlake

The Magic of Leaning In

Elise has many gifts as a mother, but there is one, in particular, I have witnessed over and over. She effortlessly lets her boys be themselves in situations where so many of us would want to control and reign in our kids.

For our session, her son Antonio was very into wearing blazers for a while, so he chose to rock one that day. Did that blazer mesh with the vibe? Not exactly. But letting him do his thing trumps any specific vision, every time. I’ve photographed him wearing what looks like a medallion awarded to a general, in his blazer, in funny socks. And in each session, he usually sheds those items with a gentle nudge by Elise. The act of being allowed to make their own decisions provides children with powerful autonomy-building tools. 

This is similar to how my family sessions play out. I start with a vision, give direction, but ultimately the magic happens when things fall apart and serendipity takes over. For Elise’s in-home motherhood session, I had pictured intimate and sweet photos. It was only by leaning into the boy’s silly and wild energy that we ultimately got there. When they were ready to cuddle up, the intimate and sweet photos almost took themselves.  

The parallel to the way I photograph families is interesting. I have a vision and I like to start by giving direction, but the surrender to the fall apart is part of the magic. For Elise’s in-home motherhood session I pictured intimate and sweet photos. I got those photos, but only by leaning into the boy’s silly and wild energy for most of the session until they were ready to cuddle up. 

Elise has brought me in to photograph her family at least twice a year over the last four years. We have become close friends (this happens a lot, lucky me) and a rhythm has developed. Antonio loves to be my helper and offer ideas. Teasing at the beginning of a session helps Bryce get into the moment. I know to expect running, climbing, and silly faces from Zeke. Developing these relationships makes the photos that much more impactful. 

The house was filled with light, flowering trees were bursting outside the windows. But, what I will always remember from this session is the joy, laughing until we cried, and all of us absolutely living in that moment.