Annual Pumpkin Patch Photos

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AKA Photographs that I love Even Though They are Cheesy

Normally I am not a cheesy photographer. I don’t like props, I don’t even always like people to look at the camera. However, I make exceptions. Our annual pumpkin patch visit is one of those glorious exceptions. Rufus and David love pumpkins and Halloween so much it is contagious. Like, letting Rufus buy a mini pumpkin every damn time he sees one, contagious. We brought home six gorgeous pumpkins that day and there may or may not be twelve others in our home now. One thing we love about Seattle and Bellevue is all of the nearby pumpkin patches. In Dallas Pumpkins were available in parking lots, grocery stores, the arboretum. No parking lot pumpkins for us anymore. Anyway, the night before we went to Bob’s Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch, David was like a kid on Christmas eve. We had a great time and I am happy to have been the mom in the mud with the camera.